What is the Meaning of Life?
By Adam Lloyd Johnson, Ph.D.
Ancient philosophy began when people started thinking about ultimate reality. These early philosophers proposed theories about the ultimate elemental stuff which everything else comes from or is made of. Some of the early theories were earth, air, fire, or water. One ancient philosopher, Democritus, even suggested that everything is made up of tiny particles he called atoms. However, if Christianity is true, and I believe it is, then when the final curtain of reality is pulled back, we won’t find earth, air, fire, water, or atoms. Instead, we’ll find loving relationships between three divine persons. Ultimate reality, from which everything else comes, is a God which exists as a Trinity: three divine persons united in one essence and united in Their loving relationships with Each Other.
Q: How Do I Help People Care about Truth, not Just Know About It?
By Adam Lloyd Johnson, Ph.D.
If a person knows about God and knows about absolute truth, how does he come to accept it? How can I help that person care about that truth, not just know about it?
That is a good question. I’m so glad God brought this question my way because I’ve been struggling through this myself lately too. I don’t have all the answers, but I’ll share with you what He’s been teaching me.
I struggle with this question often because I’m a teacher at heart. I love to learn, assimilate, process, summarize, and pass it on to others.
Q: Should You Give Up on an Unrepentant Sinner? Does Jesus Give Up on Us?
By Adam Lloyd Johnson, Ph.D.
Where in scripture does it say that Jesus promised to never leave us alone? And how much time should you give a sinner to repent if they know the truth but ignore it on purpose?
Jesus promised to never leave us alone in Matthew 28:20. He gave this promise to His disciples as part of His farewell to them, but it also applies to us today since we are His followers. This section, Matthew 28:16-20, is known as the Great Commission because Jesus commanded them (and us by extension) to take the Gospel to all the nations. So this promise is in the context of our responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.
A Defense Against Strong Presuppositionalism
By Adam Lloyd Johnson, Ph.D.
IntroductionThe term “strong presuppositionalism” is used to specifically refer to presuppositionalists who believe it’s wrong to use arguments1 for God’s existence during evangelism. David Turner illustrates this position well when he says in “evangelism and apologetics the Christian should not attempt to prove the existence of God to the unbeliever. The unbeliever, if he is honest with himself, knows this already. The Christian should proclaim the gospel, God’s appointed dynamic for turning the lost to Himself.”2
Not all presuppositionalists fully agree with Turner’s statement and so the term “strong” is also necessary to avoid misrepresenting presuppositionalists by painting them all with the same broad stroke of the brush.